Why Your Business Needs a Digital Marketing Strategy

Why does a brand need a digital marketing strategy? Would you start a business without a business plan? Would you shop for a big Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner for 8 people without knowing what and how much you’re going to cook? A strategy will save you time and money. It is worth the investment toContinue reading “Why Your Business Needs a Digital Marketing Strategy”

Next Step for Digital Advertising

Advertising has roots in ancient Egypt, Pompeii, Song dynasty China, and Europe in the middle ages. From papyrus messages on the walls to bamboo flutes being played to sell candy, human civilization had always used some kind of form of expression to inform their town or city of the whereabouts of their business and products. TheContinue reading “Next Step for Digital Advertising”

What is Public Relations?

  Have you ever observed a situation where there are so much controversy and discussion over a company or the marketing of a product and you hear someone comment, “this is such great PR for them.” When Ghostbusters (2016) came out in theaters, I scratched my head as YouTuber Comic Book Girl 19 described howContinue reading “What is Public Relations?”